Drywall repair can range from a a simple fix to a removed nail hanging a picture to applying a drywall patch with joint compound to cutting out the damaged drywall and installing a new drywall panel. While the nail hole is self-explanatory, other forms of drywall repair are almost always more difficult than homeowners suppose. To deliver a reasonably invisible patch will depend on the amount of time and patience you’re willing to devote to the repair and where the damage is. Cutting out and installing a new drywall panel is even more trying as it can be nearly impossible for beginners to recreate the texture of the original drywall. Moreover, you’ll need to plan on dust getting on everything in the area of the repair.

There are numerous things that can cause drywall damage, some more common than others and some that are bigger problems than others. Water damage has to rank as both one of the more common and more costly sources of drywall damage. Before the drywall is repaired, the source of the water must be fixed.

 This may be as simple a

s replacing a leaking pipe, although finding which pipe is leaking can be a hassle itself. Alternately, water could be entering your home from a problem with your roof or gutters. Not only will these areas of your home need to be inspected and repaired, but if the water has been a long standing and invisible issue, you may have mold or pests lurking behind your walls, as well.

Other Sources of Drywall Damage may also be problematic. Whether it’s nail popping, an errant doorknob, or an angry fist, structural impact is not as easy as plugging the hole. If the hole is a sizable one, it may still involve calling in our pros.

One of the nightmare scenarios involves moving into a new home and tearing down old wallpaper only to discover primer wasn’t used during the initial installation. This may mean that tearing down the wallpaper is synonymous with tearing down the wall itself. Of course, this may still be substantially better than leaving that old wallpaper on your walls.